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Dead tired

I was dead tired last night when I got to the customer in Aberdeen. I got done around midnight and slept some more over at Walmart. It was much needed, I could barely function when I woke up at 7.

I was going to start earlier, but no chance. I did however have hours to it, hours I'd ga...

East coast then west

Got a late delivery appointment yesterday to Dunkin Donuts for a change. Took my sleeper birth at Bensalem and ordered a pizza. Now at Kraft foods in Allentown to load for Groveport OH. 

The receiver is horrible, been there before. May wait up to 12 hours, sometimes more and they ...

2016-05-09 10:38:32

This week started bad with a trip to Walgreen in  Windsor WI. I had an appointment at 1230 which of course destroyed the rest of my dat. This place sucks cause no matter when you get here your day is over.  Took the rest of my night at a TA just two miles down the road.  Next da...